
32 Delhi Road

North Ryde

Unit 309

NSW 2113

Care for all Skin Types and Conditions

With increasing age the skin becomes more demanding, and intolerant towards improper care.  When considering the skin Doctor Eckstein BioKosmetik® focuses on three factors in selecting the most appropriate care:

  • Individual skin types often with different characteristics
  • Personal living circumstances
  • The natural ageing process, as well as the influence of the sun

The Doctor Eckstein BioKosmetik® range allows for a customised combination of products to address individual skin situations- such as dry, irritated, and normal. Ideally, an individual care plan is created together with your Beauty Therapist. Based on their knowledge and experience they can decide which products are best suited for you, and adapt their care to suit the skin’s changing needs.  

The following are the most common skin types and conditions: